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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/05/12
MAY 12, 2008
5:00 PM
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****

Present:  Richard Leone – Chairman, Stephen White – Vice Chairman, William Roach, Emma Smith, Fred Gallup, Tony Bergeron – Road Agent, David Cahill – Police Chief, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager, Artie Osborne

The meeting called to order 5:00 PM by Chairman Leone

Tony Bergeron – presented information on the effects of parking on River Rd. and Main St.  Currently there is no on street parking on Main St.

Proposal #1
The first proposal will not affect the current parking.  River Rd. has 13 spaces.  One proposed modification is counter clockwise; come up Main St., turn right on to High St, then on to River Rd., and then left on Main to get to Garnet St.  This would allow parallel parking on River Rd. almost back to the intersection with High St.  It would provide 14 new parallel spaces and 20 diagonal spaces and possibly 2 more.  Main St. would pick up 8 new parallel spaces.  Trailer parking would be in the blue stone lot. (13 plus 2 in the cubby hole). (Now have 6 on River Rd. and 10 in the lot)

Proposal #2
The second proposal would be clockwise; come up Main St., turn right on River Rd. to High St., and back to Main St.  This would be a gain of 15 new parallel spaces on Main St.  On River Rd. there would be 16 diagonal spaces and 11 parallel spaces.  Trailer parking would be the blue stone lot (13 plus 2 in the cubby hole).  (Now have 6 on River Rd. and 10 in lot)  Vehicle & trailer would have to be backed in.  

For either of the proposals you would end up losing 1 trailer parking spot.  Proposal #1 would gain 33 car spaces & proposal #2 would gain 29 car spaces.  

Tony would like to try a 2 month test period.  Steve White suggested that they make it permanent so people would get used to it.  

Dave Cahill pointed out that the counter clockwise situation would make for a hard turn to the launching queue for vehicles with boat trailers.  The clockwise situation would put parking for cars on the side of the road where sidewalks already exist.  In either scenario, High St. would be 2 way traffic.  Tony advised that the engineer felt that the clockwise scenario is a more friendly way to go for this location.  

All aspects of safety, emergency situations, and access for emergency vehicles were looked at.

Dave Cahill stated that if they can do a pamphlet, he will have the staff at the boat landing hand it out prior to implementing the one way loop.  He also suggested that he thinks they should wait for public input and then make a decision based on input and not make a recommendation tonight.  He also advised the Board that they need to think about whether or not to place time limits on the new parking spots.  Donna passed out the current parking ordinance for the Board to review. (see copy attached to official minutes)

6:02 PM
A motion was made by Steve White to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II to discuss personnel.  The motion was seconded by William Roach and approved unanimously by the Board.

6:31 PM
The Board returned from non-public session and voted to seal the minutes under RSA92-A:3,III.

6:32 PM
The meeting adjourned.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                             Approved:                               

Richard Leone, Chairman                 Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Frederick Gallup                                William Roach

Emma Smith